I've been thinking on how to start this for over an hour now. Since my daughter was born 4 years ago so much has happened that I don't know where to begin. My marraige completely failed. I gave it my all but in the end he basically joined a religious cult. I tried to stick that out but I couldn't take it anymore. The emotional abuse became too great for me to bare. Living became agonizingly painful. I wouldn't wish that kind of loneliness on my worst enemy.
Fast forward, I met the love of my life in may. He is kind and smart and wonderful. He gets me on a level no other person ever has. ♡ and he loves my kids as his own♡. I work 3 jobs. It's really hard but for the first time in my entire life I'm actually happy. At some point I will in detail go through the beginning and end of my marraige. And all the other wonderful little memories thathappened in between.