
"You reap what you sew! "

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Finally posting photos

So I realize I haven't actually posted anything yet, Up until yesterday I have been super lazy and for some reason (I am nesting) the past two days I have had insane amounts of energy! I can't stop crafting and getting the house organized and clean. I am so excited to welcome my new baby girl into the world :) All in the comfort of our own home. Depending on the quality of the photos from the birth, I will be posting them. I don't personally know anyone who has had a home birth but I am excited, my family and I are excited. My son has been saying new words lately and its so stinking cute I just had to brag :) anyway, Here are some things I have made recently...

I also realize that my blog is completely unorganized and scattered...and almost empty, I hope to add more photos soon and in more of an order, I just thought I would post some things while I had time, Were currently redecorating our house and I am so excited to finish up the projects I started and start on new ones :) God bless yahh

